Idioms and Phrases August 5, 2020 at 03:07PM

Idioms and phrasesidioms and phrases ,idiom example,english idioms,idiom meaning,idiom definition
●▬▬๑۩ Active English ۩๑▬▬▬●

English Idioms


Idioms (Q)
List of common English idioms that start with Q.

Quake In One’s
Boots: To be very frightened

Quarter Past: Fifteen minutes after the hour

Quarter To/Of: Fifteen minutes before the hour

Queer the Pitch: Interfere with someone’s plans; make something more difficult

Quick as a Flash: Very fast

Quick-and-Dirty: Approximate, hastily done

Quote Unquote: Ironically speaking; suggesting that if a phrase were written out, it would be in quotation marks to convey sarcasm